I have added 2 new template albums to the store:
If you check this one out, you can see a couple pics of my oldest, I promise, she does exist!!!
And two new template sets as well:
This one may look a little familiar, Temp Bonanza #s 7 and 8 have entered the store! 9 Lucky Ladies have also won this template that is a part of that set, simply for leaving a comment:
You can win it too! I have 6 left to give away, so leave me a comment with your contact info, and I will send you the link! Also, don't forget the Spring Bonanza Bonus!
I have also changed my terms of use for items in the store, and now have an Angel License. This means if you have a scrap for others/hire business, you can now purchase the Angel License for only $10.00, and use any TPI STORE(not freebie) products in your business for a full year!
Now, on to the freebie!
Temp Bonanza #13:

EEEEKKKKK!!!!! I posted a goofed up template!!! This is what I get for posting the freebie so late at night! I didn't realize that I posted a template that was not only a)not finalized and b)not labeled correctly, but one that was the wrong size as well!! I am SOOOOO sorry! I have fixed all the issues, and have pulled the download link for the goofy one. This is the new, finished download. I won't pull this link at 100, but will leave it up for the next few days.
This Download has expired! It's in the store if you want it!
Remember, the template bonanza templates are only available for download 100 times! If you miss out, you are going to have to look for them in the store! I will be posting the bonanza templates that are not a part of any set soon, it's just a matter of getting them uploaded as a group, yada, yada!
Thanks for the great template!
belle (blbll007 at aol dot com)
Thanks a bunch!
I love your templates
I got here in time! Thanks for explaining how your temp templates work! I will be here as soon as possible cuz I don't want to miss out!
I just found your site and I must say, I LOVE your templates! I can't wait to add more to my "stash". Thanks for the freebie!
Thank you for the freebie!
I love all your templates! Please choose me! Limequilla@aol.com
I love your templates! Thanks for the freebie!
I just found your website and must say I love it. For those of us who are digitally challenged and non creative templates really help us. Thanks for sharing. Teresa
Love your templates - thanks for sharing - and don't worry about the mistake, we all make them.
Love this template! Multi photos are basically the only way I scrap. Thanks so much.
Super cute!!!!
Another wonderful template! Thank you!
This is a notice that you must immediately cease and desist using the ScrapSimple name. This term has been trademarked and registered by Scrap Girls, LLC.
Please rename any product that you have named Scrap Simple at once.
Rozanne Paxman - CEO
ScrapGirls, LLC
(I was not able to find any contact information for you, which is why I am having to inform you in such a public way.)
Westmorland Horticultural Society. Root Juice is not a fertilizer. My tomatoes are always small and the plants won't grow very large.
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